Dictionaries |
Babelfish : online Italian-English, English-Italian, French-Italian
and Italian-French translator. Although useful, answers
may not be completely reliable.
Reference : English-Italian, Italian-English dictionary.
Language learning |
Learn Italian : online Italian lessons with audio.
Italy Online : directory of courses in Italy and
information resources for learning Italian.
Italian Language : history and interesting facts
about the Italian language. Includes notes on pronunciation.
Verbix-Italian : Italian section of this online verb conjugation tool.
Media |
della Sera : online version of the Italian newspaper.
Diario : online version of the Italian newspaper.
Radicale : online Italian radio station.
Literature |
Biblioteca Telematica : collection of free to view
literary texts.
Other Romance language sections on Digital Dialects: Catalan, French, Portuguese (Brazilian), Portuguese (European), Romanian, Spanish
If you are a Webmaster and would like to trade links write to the email address given below. Please note that the links sections, on this website serve as resource guides for language learners and feature only sites that contain a decent amount of free to use materials.
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